Peer Reviewed Articles
"Correspondence: Looking for Asia's Security Dilemma." International Security, 40:2 (2015), 181-186.
"Measuring War in Early Modern East Asia, 1368-1841: Introducing Chinese and Korean Language Sources." (with David C. Kang and Meredith Shaw). International Studies Quarterly, 60:4 (2017), 766-777.
"The Diffusion of International Norms of Banknote Iconography: A Case Study of the New Taiwan Dollar." (with Jacques E.C. Hymans). Political Geography, 57 (2017), 48-59.
"War, Rebellion, and Intervention under Hierarchy: Vietnam-China Relations." (with David C. Kang, Dat X. Nguyen, and Meredith Shaw). Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63:4 (2019), 896-922.
"Hegemony and Challenge: An Interpretation by IR Theories." (with Yu-Shan Wu). Wenti Yu Yanjiu, 62:1 (2023), 1-45.
"The Impact of Situational Context and Dispositions on Costly Signals of Reassurance: Experimental Evidence from Taiwan." (with Elaine I-lien Lee). Political Psychology. (Forthcoming)
"The Human Cost of War: An Experimental Study of Taiwanese Attitudes Towards Casualties." (with Weiwen Yin and Enze Han). Conflict Management and Peace Science. (Forthcoming)
"Signaling, Interests and Domestic Politics: What Matters for U.S. Credibility in Taiwan." (with Elaine I-lien Lee, and Gene Park). International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. (Forthcoming)
Book Project
Meeting the Rising Challenge: Preferences, Constraints, and Hegemonic Strategies
Selected Working Papers
International Relations Paradigms in Our Minds: Public Threat Assessment through Parallel Conjoint Experiments in the US and China
Trust Amidst Autocracy: Reassurance and American Assessment of China's Trustworthiness (with Elaine I-lien Lee)
The Emotional Consequences of External Threat and the Strategies to Counteract Them: Experimental Evidence from Taiwan, Lithuania, and Latvia (with Elaine I-lien Lee)
American Public Support for an Asia NATO: An Experimental Approach
Weighing Determinants of Threat Perception: Conjoint Experimental Evidence from Taiwan
To Rescue or Refrain: Deciphering American Attitudes on Military Interventions (with Elaine I-lien Lee)
The People’s Voice: Chinese Public Opinion on Key Issues in US-China Relations
I Would Be More Willing to Defend My Country If...: Experimental Evidence from Latvia, Lithuania, and Taiwan (with Māris Andžāns, Wei-hao Huang, Nick Lin, Ainė Ramonaitė, and Yao-yuan Yeh)
Qualifying Negativity Bias: How Taiwanese Citizens React to China's Threatening and Reassuring Signals (with Zenobia Chan and Elaine I-lien Lee)
Invasion Calculus in Varied Contexts: Experimental Evidence from Taiwan (with Hsuan-Yu Lin and Elaine I-lien Lee)
Overcoming the Goliath: A Conjoint Analysis of Taiwanese War Victory Perceptions (with Karyn Kao and Elaine I-lien Lee)
The Endurance of Affective Polarization-Reducing Measures under External Threat (with Elaine I-lien Lee)
Transient Assurance: U.S. Military Deployment Strategies and Taiwan's Willingness to Defend (with Elaine I-lien Lee)
Assessing Alliance Credibility: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment of South Korean Voters (with Gene Park and Min Gyo Koo)